High Priority Projects

FAB Enlargement

FAB Enlargement

As a gateway to Europe, DANUBE FAB is in an ideal position to expand the influence of SES and is open for accession of neighbouring countries. It is a long-term strategy of DANUBE FAB to extend its geographical scope. During the thirteenth DANUBE FAB Governing Council (28th May 2019) the Republic of Moldova was officially granted Observer Status in the DANUBE FAB. Representatives of the Republic of Moldova and of the Republic of North Macedonia regularly attend as Observers the DANUBE FAB Governing Council meetings.

DANUBE FAB is committed to expanding the influence of SES and advancing the status of these nations within DANUBE FAB. MOLDATSA & M-NAV will be engaged and encouraged to actively participate at the 15th ANSP Board meeting in Bucharest in Spring 2020. This will take place following the necessary coordination at DG level, setup of point of contacts followed by preliminary coordination meetings and discussions in order to raise some constructive common objectives.