
DANUBE FAB workshop at World ATM Congress 2019 on ATSEP Training and Competence



DANUBE FAB workshop at World ATM Congress 2019 on ATSEP Training and Competence

Representatives of ANSPs, Training Organisations and from the International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Associations (IFATSEA) gathered at DANUBE FAB stand at the World ATM Congress 2019 in Madrid to discuss fundamental concepts and questions related to the implementation of EU requirements regarding the ATSEP training and competence assessment programme.
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The capacity crisis – a single sector cause or are we missing other, significant factors?



The capacity crisis – a single sector cause or are we missing other, significant factors?

Mr. Veselin Stoyanov, Director EU programmes, projects and strategies at BULATSA together with the other panellists investigated the need to improve the Environment Performance indicator (KEA indicator) with a new one considering not only the deviation from the shortest route, but also airspace availability and airline preferences, for example an indicator that is centred around measuring the degree of flight planning freedom provided to users, vs. flight planning availability.
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