
Gate One Position on RP3 the third reference period (2020-2024)



Gate One Position on RP3 the third reference period (2020-2024)

Realizing the great importance of the ongoing process of amending the Single European Sky performance and charging regulatory framework for the third reference period, Gate One partners decided to support the process by agreeing on a common position and sharing it with all the stakeholders involved. The position involves a set of principles Gate One partners would strongly encourage to be reflected during the process of amending the Performance and Charging Schemes. The principles refer mainly to simplification of both regulations in terms of setting clear and universal rules for all pertained stakeholders, focus on local level, more balanced approach to respective categories of targets, or introduction of simpler, more automatic mechanism of revision of performance targets during the reference period. Gate One partners support the more comprehensive position of CANSO and are open to discussion throughout the preparation of aforementioned pieces of legislation.
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DANUBE FAB attended the second InterFAB Communication Workshop



DANUBE FAB attended the second InterFAB Communication Workshop

On 18-19 January 2018 the FAB communication experts met at the 2nd Inter-FAB Communication Workshop held in Warsaw, Poland. The event is a platform for sharing communication-related best practices and discussing objectives of FABs, their challenges and opportunities. Representatives of six FABs (Baltic FAB, FABEC, FABCE, BLUE MED, DANUBE FAB, Danish-Swedish FAB) were present at the workshop.
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