
Sixteenth Meeting of the DANUBE FAB Social Consultation Forum

Sixteenth Meeting of the DANUBE FAB Social Consultation Forum

In order to increase the mutual understanding between the DANUBE FAB Social Partners and their respective national member organisations, the members of the SCF convened online for their 16th meeting on 19th May 2021. The aim of the meeting was to discuss and give opinions on the current strategic actions taken by DANUBE FAB, as well as the technical and regulatory changes that have occurred at a European level since the last meeting.
[social partners]   [ staff representatives]   [ consultations]   [ ANSPs]   [ ROMATSA]   [ BULATSA]   Read more
Twelfth meeting of the DANUBE FAB Social Consultation Forum (SCF/12)

Twelfth meeting of the DANUBE FAB Social Consultation Forum (SCF/12)

The twelfth DANUBE FAB Social Consultation Forum (SCF) was held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria on 7 June 2017. As a part of the social dialogue within DANUBE FAB the meeting was focused on the recent developments in ATM and the related social aspects. These regular consultations provide a good tool for the mutual understanding between the social partners and their organizations - ROMATSA and BULATSA.
[SCF]   [ social dialogue]   [ consultations]   Read more