
21st Meetings of the DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies



21st Meetings of the DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies

21st Meeting of the DANUBE FAB ANSP Board

Tuesday, 24 October 2023, Bucharest

In its usual display of cooperation, the DANUBE FAB ANSP Board held yesterday the 21st bi-annual meeting that brought together decision-making and key experts from ROMATSA and BULATSA. They were briefed on of the progress of the latest round of DANUBE FAB strategic planning and reporting, status of the FAB procurements, InterFAB coordination activities and the progress of the FAB High Priority projects, thus exploring new avenues of collaboration and improve air traffic management on a regional scale.

The agenda also centered on several topics such as ongoing SES developments, planned joint exercises in SESAR 3 projects ATC-TBO and NETWORK TBO and coordination of operational matters and common activities, addressing the pressing challenges and opportunities faced regionally by the two ANSPs. The insightful discussions during this meeting resulted in potential solutions, such as the establishment of a new SESAR 3 Task Force or setting the scene for analyzing and testing of possible scenarios in order to enhance operations and thus, to reduce the workload on ATCOs.

From a social perspective, ANSP Board agreed to have the next DANUBE FAB Social Consultation Forum in the autumn of 2023 in Bulgaria.

21st Meeting of the DANUBE FAB Governing Council

Wednesday, 25 October 2023, Bucharest

Following the ANSP Board meeting, representatives of the Ministries of Transport, of National Supervisory Authorities and of the ANSPs from Romania and from the Republic of Bulgaria came together to align on the DANUBE FAB future goals and objectives. The Council representatives reviewed the activities carried out so far in 2023, with a specific focus on the on-going high priority projects: Free Route Airspace and InterFAB Cooperation. By applying the rotation principle, a new InterFAB Point of Contact was appointed from Romania DANUBE FAB for the next one-year term.

Members were also informed regarding the ANSP Board and NSA Board activities, so as on other activities, such as budget planning for next year and the development of the FAB strategic documents, Strategic Programme 2024-2028, Annual Report 2023 and Annual Plan 2024.
To be noted that at the 21st DANUBE FAB NSA Board meeting held on 24 October 2023 in Bucharest, the NSA of Romania and of the Republic of Bulgaria updated and signed the DANUBE FAB NSA Cooperation Agreement. The new provisions of the Agreement accurately reflect the changes in the EU legislation related to ATM/ANS oversight, as well as the potential NSA common activities for further safeguarding the air safety in the DANUBE FAB airspace (read the full article here).

Regarding the recent EU developments, specific updates and discussions took place, such as the status of the SES 2+ (recast) proposals and the possible impact the new requirements, participation of ROMATSA and BULATSA in the Digital European Sky Industrial Research projects, the new SESAR Deployment Manager Partnership and possible ways to find common grounds for a future collaboration.

The next round of DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies meetings are planned for spring 2024 in Bulgaria.

Note for editors:

DANUBE FAB is the functional airspace block formed between the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania, including the Bulgarian Air Traffic Services Authority (BULATSA) and the Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration (ROMATSA), as the air navigation service providers. DANUBE FAB is a key element of the Single European Sky (SES) legislative framework, which prescribes a range of measures to ensure sufficient capacity for servicing flights over Europe.


Communication officer for BULATSA: Christina Dimitrova
Tel: +359 2 937 1799

Communication officer for ROMATSA: Silviu Gheorghe
Tel: +40 21 2083 512
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