
DANUBE FAB meeting with DG MOVE



DANUBE FAB meeting with DG MOVE

DANUBE FAB representatives from the Romanian and Bulgarian NSAs, ROMATSA and BULATSA met with representatives from the Single European Sky Unit within DG MOVE on 10th December in Brussels for bilateral discussions on institutional and operational arrangements, current initiatives and previous successes contributing to the capacity and efficiency of the ATM network.

Also, DANUBE FAB presented its views on the prospects for 2019 and beyond. In turn DG-MOVE presented on the current status of the recent legislative initiatives and posed questions to the DANUBE FAB delegation.

During discussions DG MOVE expressed their intention to improve communication with all the FABs, through scheduling annual progress meetings and requesting coordination focal points be exchanged, and positivity around using this greater communication to exploit the maximum potential from the FAB concept.
[EC]   [ DG MOVE]   [ DANUBE FAB]   [ SES]   [ ATM]   [ meeting]