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The DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies held their tenth meetings on 31st October – 1st November 2017 Sofia, Republic of Bulgaria.
31st October 2017
High level representatives of ROMATSA and BULATSA held their tenth meeting of the DANUBE FAB ANSP Board in Sofia, on 31st October. The meeting was co-chaired by the two Directors General of ROMATSA and BULATSA and was an opportunity for the Board’s representatives to take stock of the latest intra/inter FAB developments, to provide information on the status of the current operations and to agree on the way forward and to prioritize the DANUBE FAB activities and projects.
In order to ensure the timely contribution in respect with their commitments, the ANSPs provided more focus on the SEEN FRA implementation and its expansion into SEE FRA, i.e. 24/7 operations, in autumn 2019 and updating the FAB representatives with the latest developments concerning the implementation of seasonal FRA in the Bulgarian Airspace. With regard to the accommodation of neighboring SEEN FRA States – the Republic of Moldova and Slovakia, within the project, it was decided to further review the challenges and opportunities from a technical and operational perspective, reaffirming their readiness to work together to implement the wide FAB objectives.
The parties also highlighted the special importance of the FAB strategy and planning, particularly in the field of technical rationalization and infrastructure, common projects, communications activities, including the inter-FAB coordination and nonetheless, towards identifying common overarching topics for a better partnering.
1st November 2017
The DANUBE FAB Governing Council held their tenth meeting on the 1st of November in Sofia, Republic of Bulgaria. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministries of Transport, Civil and Military Aviation Authorities, National Supervisory Authorities and ANSPs from both countries. Delegates from the Republic of Macedonia were welcomed to the meeting as Observers following the official mandate received at the sixth Governing Council meeting in 2015. The Macedonian delegation expressed their appreciation of the support from DANUBE FAB and their interest to participate in the work of DANUBE FAB on topics of mutual interest.
Main items for discussion of the meeting were the NSA Board and ANSP Board reports, the status of current DANUBE FAB procurements and plans for 2018 and the high priority projects under the Annual Plan.
During the meeting, the Council’s members analyzed the prospects for the FAB developments, both in political and economic terms, as well as regarding the technical and operational particularities reported by NSA Board and by the ANSP Board. In this context, the Council took note of the status of harmonized procedures in DANUBE FAB, the FAB Performance Plan activities status updates and took note of the NSA Board decision to implement a common coordinated approach in regard to the modification and implementation of some EU regulations, namely Reg. 2017/373, Reg.1079/2012 and Reg. 677/2011.
From an operational perspective, the Governing Council was updated with the latest developments under the high priority projects developed under the Annual Plan for 2017, urging the ANSPs to focus on the timely implementation of FRA project and to ensure all necessary resources in order to perform the technical rationalization and infrastructure related projects, namely the implementation of Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) in ATM and the implementation of an extended set of OLDI messages.
During the meeting, aspects of multilateral cooperation within the DANUBE FAB were also addressed, including the FAB enlargement, the inter-FAB cooperation, other FAB activities and outputs of recent meetings and related external communications activities. At the same time, the Council was informed by the military representatives about the possible methods for the regulation and cooperation at regional level in respect with the Cross-border Search and Rescue for state aircraft.
The next round of DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies meetings is planned for spring 2018 in Romania.
For more information, please contact:
Nikolai Kostov
Tel: +359 2 937 17 29
Fax: +359 2 980 00 43
E-mail: nikolai.kostov@bulatsa.com
Silviu Gheorghe
Tel: +40 21 2083 512
Fax: +40 21 2083 568
E-mail: silviu.gheorghe@romatsa.ro