
InterFAB Performance Workshop hosted by DANUBE FAB



InterFAB Performance Workshop hosted by DANUBE FAB

DANUBE FAB hosted the first InterFAB Performance Workshop in Sofia on 31 January and 1 February 2018.  The workshop was attended by representatives of FABCE, FABEC, Baltic FAB and BLUE MED FAB, as well as delegates from the Republic of Macedonia as observers to DANUBE FAB.
The ATM network performance and the evolution of the performance and charging schemes in RP3 were at the heart of discussions. Attendees debated on traffic volatility and its impact on performance and inter alia fragmentation in air traffic management. Key performance areas of environment and capacity were also pointed out as being in the focus of FABs. Recommendations by the European Court of Auditor’s Report were correspondingly addressed.
The workshop provided a platform for FABs to exchange views in sight of the upcoming changes to the Performance and Charging Regulations for RP3. The workshop highlighted issues that affects performance and which are triggered by unforeseen factors that can not be influenced by the affected entities. All stakeholders will continue to actively cooperate, especially on the above issues that need to be addressed by the future Single European Sky legislation including if possible the RP3.
Recognising the importance of the subject, a dedicated workshop on “Volatility in Air Traffic and its impact on ATM Performance” will take place in Warsaw on 15-16 May 2018.
[interfab]   [ performance]   [ FABs]