Ninth Meetings of the DANUBE FAB Governing bodies
Ninth meeting of the DANUBE FAB ANSP Board
Bucharest, Romania, 16th of May, 2017
The management of BULATSA and ROMATSA met in Bucharest on the 16th of May for the ninth meeting of the DANUBE FAB ANSP Board. The meeting was co-chaired by Mr. Georgi PEEV, Director General BULATSA, and Mr. Valentin CIMPUIERU, Director General ROMATSA.
During the meeting, the members of the ANSP Board discussed on the strategic prospects for the DANUBE FAB planning and development for the next 5 years’ cycle, operational and technical aspects related to the activities and tasks that need to be performed during 2017.
In respect to the performance within the DANUBE FAB, both ANSPs provided and overview of the status of the DANUBE FAB RP2 Performance Plan and agreed to further cooperate within the DANUBE FAB performance framework.
The participants were updated on the status of DANUBE FAB joint procurements that are currently ongoing and agreed to further analyse from operational and technical perspective the conclusions from the recently finalized FAB enlargement prefeasibility study.
From the operational perspective, the members of the Board were updated on the status of the Free Route Airspace project implementation, notifying the successful implementation of the South Eastern Europe Night Free Route Airspace (SEEN FRA) on the 30th of March 2017 at trilateral level, between the Republic of Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. Also, the members of the Board took note and decided on the way forward concerning the implementation of FRA H24 at DANUBE FAB level.
One of the most discussed topics during the meeting was represented by the DANUBE FAB position on the EU-wide FAB study made on behalf of the European Commission. The members of the board discussed in detail the outcome and the recommendations of the report concerning DANUBE FAB and decided on the position to be taken at ANSP level. It was agreed that a consolidated paper to be further developed during the ninth Governing Council meeting.
Ninth meeting of the DANUBE FAB Governing Council
Bucharest, Romania, 17th of May, 2017
The DANUBE FAB Governing Council held their ninth meeting on 17th May in Bucharest, Romania. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministries of Transport, Civil and Military Aviation Authorities, National Supervisory Authorities and ANSPs from both countries. Delegates from the Republic of Macedonia were welcomed to the meeting as Observers following the official mandate received at the sixth Governing Council meeting in 2015. The Macedonian delegation expressed their appreciation of the support from DANUBE FAB and their interest to participate in the work of DANUBE FAB on topics of mutual interest.
Main items for discussion of the meeting were the status of the DANUBE FAB RP2 Performance Plan, the implementation of the South Eastern Europe Night Free Route Airspace (SEEN FRA) on the 30th of March 2017 at trilateral level, between the Republic of Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary, the DANUBE FAB enlargement pre-feasibility study and its outcome.
The Governing Council members also discussed the findings and the related recommendations of the EU-wide FAB study made on behalf of the European Commission and agreed to provide a consolidate DANUBE FAB response via the Single Sky Committee.
The outcomes from the NSA Board and ANSP Board meetings were also discussed.
The next round of DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies meetings is planned for Autumn 2017 in the Republic of Bulgaria.