
SEE FRA Expansion



SEE FRA Expansion

Starting from 28th of January 2021 the Aircraft Operators are able to plan their flights freely across the airspace of Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia 24/7 without the limitations of the geographical boundaries. This represents a first expansion of the SEE FRA project (South East Europe Free Route Airspace, succesfully implemented on the 7th of November 2019), thus making possible cross border free route operations across the airspace of the 4 states. Therefore, SEE FRA becomes one of the largest free route airspace blocks in Europe.
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Fifteenth Meeting of the DANUBE FAB Social Consultation Forum (SCF)



Fifteenth Meeting of the DANUBE FAB Social Consultation Forum (SCF)

DANUBE FAB SCF held its 15th meeting with a view to maintaining the regular consultations between BULATSA and ROMATSA social partners and management representatives. The social partners and the management discussion' revolved around the severe consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on the aviation sector, BULATSA and ROMATSA management recognising that the actual crisis profoundly and economically affected every aspect of air traffic services provision.
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