
InterFAB workshop highlights crucial role of harmonised AIM in achieving a digital European sky



InterFAB workshop highlights crucial role of harmonised AIM in achieving a digital European sky

The interFAB online workshop entitled Digitalisation – challenging and enabling future aeronautical information management (AIM) brought together more than 100 delegates from all over Europe on 2-3 November to discuss data sharing for efficient airspace management. Accessing precise, up-to-date, harmonised data is central to seamless and integrated services and to the introduction of automated technologies.
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BALTIC FAB, DANUBE FAB, FAB CE and FABEC ANSPs signed Joint Declaration on AIM



BALTIC FAB, DANUBE FAB, FAB CE and FABEC ANSPs signed Joint Declaration on AIM

Air Navigation Service Providers from Baltic FAB, DANUBE FAB, Functional Airspace Block Central Europe (FAB CE) and Functional Airspace Block Europe Central (FABEC) today signed a Joint Declaration to deepen InterFAB cooperation in the domain of Aeronautical Information Mangement (AIM). The declaration was signed during the on-line workshop on “Digitalisation – challenging and enabling future AIM” which brought together approximately 100 experts from all over Europe on 2-3 November 2020.
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