
SEE FRA project successfully completed on 7th November 2019



SEE FRA project successfully completed on 7th November 2019

Starting from 7th of November 2019 the Aircraft Operators will be able to plan their flights freely across the airspace of Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania 24/7 without the limitations of the geographical boundaries. This is the completion of the SEE FRA project (South East Europe Free Route Airspace) for implementing 24/7 cross border free route operations across the airspace of the 3 states. The new flight planning rules significantly optimize the flight trajectories not only by using the shortest connections but also allowing the use of the most effective routings when the impacts on the flights are inevitable e.g adverse weather avoidance.
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Fourteenth meetings of the DANUBE FAB governing bodies



Fourteenth meetings of the DANUBE FAB governing bodies

On the 6th and 7th of November, the members of the DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies, respectively, the Governing Council, NSA Board and ANSP Board met in Sofia for the fourteenth time since the DANUBE FAB establishment in 2012. With a very dense agenda, ranging from technical matters to more high-level political aspects the governing bodies members were briefed on of the progress of the latest round of DANUBE FAB strategic planning and reporting, status of the FAB procurements, Inter-FAB coordination activities and the progress of the FAB High Priority projects.
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