
Eighteenth meeting of the DANUBE FAB Social Consultation Forum

Eighteenth meeting of the DANUBE FAB Social Consultation Forum

To maintain DANUBE FABs in-depth relationship with all stakeholders, the 18th meeting of the Social Consultation Forum was held on 18th May 2022. The meeting allowed the social partners to receive a summary of the activities completed in 2021, as well as understand the planned activities within the FAB for 2022. Full article below.
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Eighteenth Meeting of the DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies

Eighteenth Meeting of the DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies

Having regard to the requirements of the DANUBE Functional Airspace Block legal framework which foresee that the meetings of the governing bodies shall be organised twice a year, the ANSP Board and the Governing Council held their eighteenth reunions on 13 and 14 of April 2022, thus ensuring the bridge between the relevant strategic and planning bodies of the FAB and the Governing Council.
[Governance]   [ GC]   [ ANSPB]   [ Council]   [ Board]   Read more
Seventeenth Meeting of the DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies

Seventeenth Meeting of the DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies

With a view to increasing the level of cooperation and coordination at FAB level and identifying new emerging solutions to overcome the economic and social damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic to the aviation sector, DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies held their seventeenth meetings on 3rd and 4th of November via web conferences. The meetings were attended by representatives of the Ministries of Transport, Civil and Military Aviation Authorities, National Supervisory Authorities and ANSPs from Republic of Bulgaria and from Romania as well as from the the Republic of North Macedonia as DANUBE FAB Observer.
[Governance]   [ GC]   [ ANSPB]   [ Council]   [ Board]   Read more
Sixteenth Meeting of the DANUBE FAB Social Consultation Forum

Sixteenth Meeting of the DANUBE FAB Social Consultation Forum

In order to increase the mutual understanding between the DANUBE FAB Social Partners and their respective national member organisations, the members of the SCF convened online for their 16th meeting on 19th May 2021. The aim of the meeting was to discuss and give opinions on the current strategic actions taken by DANUBE FAB, as well as the technical and regulatory changes that have occurred at a European level since the last meeting.
[social partners]   [ staff representatives]   [ consultations]   [ ANSPs]   [ ROMATSA]   [ BULATSA]   Read more
Sixteenth Meeting of the DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies

Sixteenth Meeting of the DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies

DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies held their sixteenth meetings on 27th and 28th of April via web conferences. The meetings were attended by representatives of the Ministries of Transport, Civil and Military Aviation Authorities, National Supervisory Authorities and ANSPs from Republic of Bulgaria and from Romania as well as from the DANUBE FAB Observers, European Commission and the Republic of North Macedonia.
[Governance]   [ GC]   [ ANSPB]   [ Council]   [ Board]   Read more
SEE FRA Expansion

SEE FRA Expansion

Starting from 28th of January 2021 the Aircraft Operators are able to plan their flights freely across the airspace of Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia 24/7 without the limitations of the geographical boundaries. This represents a first expansion of the SEE FRA project (South East Europe Free Route Airspace, succesfully implemented on the 7th of November 2019), thus making possible cross border free route operations across the airspace of the 4 states. Therefore, SEE FRA becomes one of the largest free route airspace blocks in Europe.
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Fifteenth Meeting of the DANUBE FAB Social Consultation Forum (SCF)

Fifteenth Meeting of the DANUBE FAB Social Consultation Forum (SCF)

DANUBE FAB SCF held its 15th meeting with a view to maintaining the regular consultations between BULATSA and ROMATSA social partners and management representatives. The social partners and the management discussion' revolved around the severe consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on the aviation sector, BULATSA and ROMATSA management recognising that the actual crisis profoundly and economically affected every aspect of air traffic services provision.
[social partners]   [ management]   [ BULATSA]   [ ROMATSA]   Read more
InterFAB workshop highlights crucial role of harmonised AIM in achieving a digital European sky

InterFAB workshop highlights crucial role of harmonised AIM in achieving a digital European sky

The interFAB online workshop entitled Digitalisation – challenging and enabling future aeronautical information management (AIM) brought together more than 100 delegates from all over Europe on 2-3 November to discuss data sharing for efficient airspace management. Accessing precise, up-to-date, harmonised data is central to seamless and integrated services and to the introduction of automated technologies.
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BALTIC FAB, DANUBE FAB, FAB CE and FABEC ANSPs signed Joint Declaration on AIM

BALTIC FAB, DANUBE FAB, FAB CE and FABEC ANSPs signed Joint Declaration on AIM

Air Navigation Service Providers from Baltic FAB, DANUBE FAB, Functional Airspace Block Central Europe (FAB CE) and Functional Airspace Block Europe Central (FABEC) today signed a Joint Declaration to deepen InterFAB cooperation in the domain of Aeronautical Information Mangement (AIM). The declaration was signed during the on-line workshop on “Digitalisation – challenging and enabling future AIM” which brought together approximately 100 experts from all over Europe on 2-3 November 2020.
[InterFAB]   [ AIM]   [ ANSPs]   [ DANUBE FAB]   [ BALTIC FAB]   [ FAB CE]   [ FABEC]   Read more