
Twenty second Meetings of the DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies

Twenty second Meetings of the DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies

On Monday, May 13th and Tuesday, May 14th, 2024, the governing bodies of DANUBE FAB met in Sofia for their 22nd meeting. This meeting was held in the context of the constantly evolving aviation industry, which is facing increasing demands in the region. The attendees shared a commitment to making the skies safer, more efficient, and greener.
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Twentieth Meeting of the DANUBE FAB Social Consultation Forum (SCF)

Twentieth Meeting of the DANUBE FAB Social Consultation Forum (SCF)

Continuing its commitment to encourage and maintain the social dialogue within the framework of DANUBE FAB, the twentieth meeting of the DANUBE FAB SCF took place in Pravets, Bulgaria on 2 November 2023. The forum provided an opportunity for participants to share their views on various topics related to the FAB activities.
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21st Meetings of the DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies

21st Meetings of the DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies

As the aviation industry faces an ever-evolving landscape with increasing demands in the region, with a shared vision for safer, more efficient skies and a commitment to sustainability, Tuesday, October 24th and Wednesday, 25th October 2023, the DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies met in Bucharest for their 21st meetings.
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Twentieth Meetings of the DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies

Twentieth Meetings of the DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies

Wednesday, 10th and Thursday, 11th May 2023, the DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies met in Sofia for their twentieth meetings, marking the continuous efforts of Bulgaria and Romania to shape the strategic direction and priorities for the FAB and to progress further their cooperation with key projects for the benefit of safe and efficient provision of ANS.
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Czech Republic joins SEE FRA

Czech Republic joins SEE FRA

Starting from 23rd of February 2023 the Aircraft Operators are able to plan their flights freely across the airspace of Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Republic of Moldova and Czech Republic 24/7 without the limitations of the geographical boundaries. The inclusion of the airspace of the Czech Republic represents the third expansion of the SEE FRA project (South East Europe Free Route Airspace, successfully implemented on the 7th of November 2019), thus making possible cross border free route operations across the airspace of the 6 states. Therefore, SEE FRA becomes one of the largest free route airspace blocks in Europe.
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Nineteenth Meeting of the DANUBE FAB Social Consultation Forum

Nineteenth Meeting of the DANUBE FAB Social Consultation Forum

On 26 January 2023, DANUBE FAB social partners met the management of BULATSA and ROMATSA in a face-to-face format for the first time since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. The meeting allowed the social partners to receive a summary of the activities completed in 2022, as well as to gain knowledge about the planned activities within the DANUBE FAB for 2023.
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Nineteenth Meeting of the DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies

Nineteenth Meeting of the DANUBE FAB Governing Bodies

After 10 years of working together in the DANUBE FAB framework the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania have proven their ability to rapidly adapt, adjust, implement and apply new regulations while taking the necessary measures to have performant air navigation infrastructures and services in order to conduct safe air operations. On 9 December and 16 December 2022, the ANSP Board, respectively the Governing Council, held their nineteenth meetings, a week after the ANSP Board, thus ensuring the bridge between the relevant strategic and planning bodies of the FAB and the Governing Council.
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Research Workshop

Research Workshop

Around 100 participants from all over Europe and America attended the research workshop Single European Sky and Resilience in ATM in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 15-16 September. Organised by DANUBE FAB, FABEC and GARS, the workshop brought together senior academics, high-level industry experts and regulators to exchange views on how to manage increasing uncertainty in air traffic management.
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Research Workshop - SES and Resilience in ATM

Research Workshop - SES and Resilience in ATM

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